Dog Grooming Tips for Everyone

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Best dog groomer austin
If you own a dog, time will come when he needs to be groomed. Long haired or short haired, most dogs get messy and shed, and grooming your dog helps them to look better, feel more comfortable and keep you happier too.

popular dog groomer austin
If the time has come to groom your puppy, turn to the experts to help you get it done right and consider these tips from the pros.

Utilize a shampoo that is right for your pet. Consider any special needs your pet has such as excessive shedding, itchy skin, fleas or even a dry coat. Select a shampoo that is natural and can help with these needs. It may also help to pick something that is low foaming therefore it rinses easier, keeping in fido in the water for a shorter period of time.

If your dog is a breed that is susceptible to ear infections, don't let excessive water sit within the ears. Rather than employing a hose or direct contact with a tub water to rinse your dog's face and ears, have a wash cloth and gently wipe in that area. This will reduce the amount of water your dog's ears experience and the chance of future infections too.

As well as bathing your dog, make sure to brush him regularly. Even though this is more important for long haired breeds, it is still important for short haired breeds to reduce shedding and keep your skin healthy. If your dog is opposed to being brushed, offer him treats and let him sniff and see the comb to help ease anxiety. For too long haired breeds, brush daily or at best every other day, and for short haired breeds, plan some brushing time one or more times a week.

Dog grooming also involves your pet's nails. They should be trimmed regularly to keep them from getting unwanted items stuck within their feet which can cause discomfort and also infections. Use a top quality pair of clippers to trim your dog's nails, and make sure to never trim in the quick (pink section of the nail). If you have difficulty with this task, plan to take your dog to the veterinarian or a professional groomer for trims at least two times a month.

Finally, consider a professional for grooming your dog when necessary. These experts can make it easier to maintain your pet's coat and educate you on valuable tricks you can use at home.

Regular grooming is essential to keeping your pet healthy and comfy, so use these tips to turn it into a routine that you and the pet are sure to enjoy.

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